Authors : Osman Abdelrahman; Nizar Ismail; Seddig Abdella; Namarig Abdelrahman; Muneeb Adam; Mohamed Banaga
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October
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The study aimed to minimize the antibacterial agents
prescription and hence bacterial resistance among health
facilities, as best as. This goal could be achieved through
tackling doctors’ awareness and attitudes towards the
resistance issues. One more advantage is to enhance the
practice of the doctors, making them always confident to
prescribe antibiotics with considering the avoidance of
unnecessary prescriptions.
The study was conducted by distributing
questionnaires to 75 doctors working at 15 different
primary health centers. Knowledge and attitude were
assessed through closed-ended statements. Knowledge has
been assessed by reviewing the responses toward
statements including the definition of irrational use of
antibiotics, supportive laboratories investigations should
be requested, safe antibiotics during pregnancy,
antibiotics that can damage the liver and or kidney, and
antibiotics-drug interactions.
In regards to attitude, health professionals have been
asked about several domains like the severity of the
problem, the role of doctors in the irrational use of
antibiotics, and barriers between doctors and applying
the rational use of antibiotics concept.
We gave scores for every statement choice, 2 points
for the correct answer, 1 for the answer ‘I don’t know,
and 0 for the incorrect answer. Total marks of each
questionnaire collected, afterward, knowledge evaluated
as good, moderate, or poor. Similarly, the attitude
assessed after points collection as positive, neutral, or
The number of years spent in medical practice for
the health professionals who participated in this study has
been estimated. 92% have less than five years of medical
experience, 6.7% have been practiced for 5-10 years,
while 1.3% have been practiced for ten years. 33% of the
total number of health professionals had 16-20 patients
per day during the duration of the study.
After marking and analyzing knowledge statements,
results showed that 65% of doctors had poor knowledge,
31% got the moderate assessment, while 4% were good.
For the attitude, the majority showed a neutral attitude
(42%), doctors with a good attitude were 29%, while
doctors with a poor attitude were 29%.
The knowledge about antibiotics of health
professionals in the Khartoum locality, Sudan, has shown
to be poor.
Volume 6, Issue 10, October – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT21OCT207 245
Attitude towards the concept of rational
prescription of antibiotics has shown to be neutral.
Keywords : Antibiotics; Attitude; Knowledge; Khartoum; Sudan.