Knowledge and Awareness of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection among Dental Students

Authors : E.Sangeetha; T.Santhoshika; Selvarathi.K; Dr. Umasudhakar; Dr. Snophia

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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Dentists are at high risk of exposure to infections with droplets , blood-borne pathogens such as hepatitis B virus and other microorganisms that colonize the upper respiratory tract. This risk is increased by accidental injuries caused by dental instruments during patient treatment. To assess the knowledge and awareness of upper respiratory tract infection among dental students. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 24 questions was distributed to 110 dental students .The students participated in survey were asked about causes, symptoms and transmission of upper respiratory tract infections, composition of aerosols, control, contamination and prevention of aerosols. The questionnaire was made available on online for easy access. The data was collected and the results were analyzed. our survey showed that 50% of students had fairly good knowledge and awareness of upper respiratory tract infection. It is concluded that some students have fair knowledge about upper respiratory tract infection. Focus on topic needed to enhance their knowledge such as aerosols and organisms causing respiratory illness.


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