Community Health Center Pharmacists is one
of the health workers the Community Health Center
which plays an important role in the management of
pharmaceuticals and clinical pharmacy services.The
Community Health Center (CHC) is the front line in
breaking the chain of transmission of COVID -19
which is included in the Task Force for the Acceleration
of COVID-19 in Indonesia.Knowledge, attitude and
practice Community Health Center Pharmacists related
countermeasures COVID-19 is indispensable in carrying
out its role according to the standard pharmacy services
in a pandemic era COVID-19.This study aimed to
evaluate the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices
Community Health Center Pharmacists in Provincial
West Sumatera to COVID-19 and examines the
relationship between these three variables.This study
was an observational study design with a crosssectional.The research instrument used a questionnaire
which was declared valid with validity and reliability
tests. A total of 114 Community Health Center
Pharmacists in West Sumatera province were
respondents study who met the inclusion criteria by
filling out the questionnaire via Google Form is
distributed via WhatApps.The results of this study,
Community Health Center Pharmacists has a high level
of knowledge (87.7%), a positive attitude (62.3%) and
good practices (53.5%) against COVID-19.Knowledge of
COVID-19 is influenced by marital status and attitudes
towards COVID-19 are influenced by gender, age and
length of practice and practice of COVID-19 is
influenced by gender, marital status and length of
practice. From the results of statistical tests between
knowledge, attitude and practice Community Health
Center Pharmacists against COVID- 19, there is a
significant relationship between attitude and practice
(p=0.016) and no significant relationship between
knowledge with attitude (p=0.316) and knowledge
with practice ( p=0.157)
Keywords : Knowledge; Attitude,; Practice; Community Health Center Pharmacist; West Sumatera; COVID-19.