Authors : Fouad Hussein Ali Alhawri; Krishna Gopal Rampal; Abdelkodose Mohammed Hussen Abdulla
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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The aim of this study was to assess
knowledge, attitude, and performance (KAP) as well as
to study the associated factors towards nursing records
among the nurses in Al-Jomhori hospital authority,
Sana'a city, Yemen. In nursing healthcare systems
documentation is a powerful tool to ensure
communication between health workers and continuity
of the care for better patient outcomes. In addition,
knowledge, performance and attitude of nurses’ towards
nursing documentation will effect on the quality of
patients’ care.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among
115 nurses of Al-Jomhori hospital authority in Sana'a
city, Yemen. The participants were selected by simple
random sampling technique. A validated questionnaire
was used to collect the data with internal reliability of
Cronbach’s Alpha was 72.5% for knowledge,
performance and attitude questions. SPSS version 23
was used for analysis.
Results: The overall response rate was 100%. Among
115 respondents about 46.01% had good knowledge, 68.2
% of participants had positive attitude (agree) and
36.78% of participants had bad nursing documentation
performance (always). Gender and training were found
to be statistically significant with KAP of nurses.
Conclusion: Findings of this study demonstrated that
knowledge, performance and attitude among nurses
working in Sana'a public hospitals on nursing
documentation were poor. Therefore, each public
hospital should recruit qualified nurses and should have
continuity plan for training to solve this problem
Keywords : Nursing Documentation, Records, Knowledge, Attitude and Performance of the nurses, Quality of Nursing Documentation.