Hospital pharmacists have an important role
in the management of pharmaceutical supplies and
direct services to patients. The Knowledge, Attitudes and
Practices (KAP) of pharmacists in this regard are very
important in carrying out this role. This study aims to
evaluate the level of KAP of hospital pharmacists in
Indonesia about COVID-19, and examine the
relationship between the three variables. This is a crosssectional study, and the sampling technique is purposive
sampling. The research instrument is a questionnaire
that has been validated, and distributed through social
media applications (WhatsApp). A total of 146
respondents participated in this study. The results
obtained, pharmacists who have a high level of KAP
towards COVID-19 are 69.2%, 59.6% and 52.1%,
respectively. In this study, attitudes were influenced by
education level and marital status. The results of the chi
square test showed that there was a significant
relationship between attitudes and practice (p=0.003).
Keywords : Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, COVID-19, Hospital Pharmacist.