Cauliflower is one of the popular vegetable which had its origin in cyprus and by Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Gujarath. Cauliflower is one of the popular vegetable which had its origin in cyprus and Mediterranean coast. Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C and mostly cultivated in northern India as it requires cooler climate to grow.Khagaria district was selected purposively. The total net crop sown area is 1,33902 hectares in khagaria District out of which 8,3393 hectares under irrigation. Use of biofertilizers is mostly done in the vegetable crops. The cropping intensity being 141.49%.Thekhagaria district comprises 7 blocks out of which the study was conducted in chautham block which is selected purposively, due to being more progressive farmers of Block.A list of villages having maximum decisionmaking capabilities was collected from block office and 12 villages was selected randomly. Survey was conducted it revealed that majority of the respondents (61.66%) had medium knowledge level about the recommended cultivation practices of cauliflower.
Keywords : Cauliflower, Knowledge Behavior, Recommended cultivation practices.