Knowledge, Practice and Myths Regarding Exclusive Breast Feeding among Postnatal Mothers in Selected Community Area, Bidar, Karnataka

Authors : Abhilash; Dr. Diana

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

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Breast feeding is an important component of child survival and maternal health programs. During the first two years of life, it can significantly reduce mortality and morbidity. According to the WHO infant feeding recommendation exclusive breast feeding should be for the first Six month of life. Breast feeding should begin immediately after birth or within first hours after birth. Most of the mothers don't know the correct practices of exclusive breast feeding. This leads to many unnoticed and biased problems in babies and lactating mothers. The present study has been under taken to assess the knowledge, practice and myths regarding exclusive breastfeeding among postnatal mothers. The investigator has developed a conceptual framework based on health promotion model by Nola j Pender (1982). A pilot study was conducted to determine the practicability, validity and Reliability of the tool. A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted among postnatal mother at selected community area. The sample was selected using purposive sampling and a semi structured questionnaire used for the collection of data. In this study, majority of the sample 50 % of postnatal mother are aged between 24 to 28 years, 30% of postnatal mothers between the group of 19-23 years and 17% are aged more than 29 years and very few 3% less than 18years. 65 % of postnatal mother were Hindu, 28%% of postnatal mothers were Christian and very few 7% of postnatal mothers were Muslim. 60 % of postnatal mother were multipara, 33% of postnatal mothers were primipara mothers and very few 7% of mothers were grand multipara mothers. 28 % of postnatal mother were had the monthly income between 5001 to 10,000 and 14% of postnatal mothers had family monthly income less than 5000/.36 % of postnatal mother were have two children.

Keywords : Breast Feeding, Postnatal mothers, & Exclusive Breastfeeding


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