Kopi Kenceng Marketing Strategy on Instagram and Facebook during the Pandemic

Authors : Salma Nur Karima; Tyas Chandradewi Tjokrosoekarto

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/33A6TzC

Coffee industry has grown a lot in the past few years in Indonesia. With high enthusiasm from the people, especially the younger generation, the coffee industry has been on top of their marketing game. Kopi Kenceng as one of the players in the industry break the industry with its unique USP, it competes at the lowermiddle-class. With the pandemic that has been around, Kopi Kenceng is struggling to maintain its marketing strategy through the presence of social media. This study aims to analyze what Kopi Kenceng does on its social media post pandemic using marketing theory. The methodology of this research is qualitative method with descriptive approach. This research finds that during the Pandemic, the marketing focus is shifted through Instagram only. Besides, there is a shift of product focus that Kopi Kenceng marketed during the pandemic. Although the business is not bouncing back to normal, but social media presence helps Kopi Kenceng to stay alive in the tight competitive market

Keywords : Social media marketing, Pandemic, Coffee Industry, Kopi Kenceng


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