This study was aimed at analyzing the
utilization of land rights for the community land in the
bank of Limboto Lake, Gorontalo, as stipulated by the
Law. The study also attempted to design the model for
management and utilization of rights for the community
land within the Limboto Lake bank in Gorontalo. This
study is specifically targeted at the empowerment of the
community who live in the embankment of Limboto
Lake through familiarization of Lake-related
regulations and Zonation of the Limboto Lake, which
consists of the outer area of the lake and the lake bank.
The data collected through interviews and
questionnaire distribution, which later analyzed
qualitatively. This study reveals that the utilization of
community land rights in Limboto Lake Bank is for
residential areas and farming areas. Further, in relation
to the management model of the community land rights
in the bank of Limboto Lake, the government has issued
a number of policies, including the Presidential Decree
No. 32 of 1990 on Management of Conservation Area;
Local Regulation No. 1 of 2008 on Limboto Lake
Management; Land and Spatial Planning Regulation of
Provincial and Regency/City; Local Regulation on
Watershed Management; approaches for community to
release their land rights; Limboto Lake revitalization
task force; and drafts a Zonation regulation on Limboto
Lake utilization which consists of primary, secondary,
and tertiary zones.
Keywords : Model, Management, Utilization, Land Rights, Limboto Lake Bank.