Authors : BUKEYENEZA Zephyrin; Dr. MANIRAKIZA Richard; NYIRANDIMUKAGA Berthilde; Tuyishime Honore; Mugabushaka Adrien; Nsangabandi Erneste
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November
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Tea plantation faces wider range of soil
fertility issues, this issue include physical,and
biologicalissues interactandincludelossof, topsoil due to
erosion, acidity, salinity, and deterioration of other
physical soilproperties. The aim of this research project
was to develop the potential sites map for tea plantation
in Twumba sector, Karongi district. Analytic hierarchy
processes with a combination of Geographical
information System (GIS) techniques were used to
analyze eight different criteria which were selected.
To achieve objectives of this study, Landsat8 was
used in land use/ land cover estimation in detail to assess
their spatial and temporal variability within the area.
Reclassification and weighted overlay were used to
analyze the important criteria in order to identify the
potential sites mapping for tea plantation in
Twumbasector. Rainfall, soil PH, soil texture, soil depth,
slope, elevation, drainage, and land use land cover were
selected as important criteria to identify the potential
sites for tea plantation in Twumba sector. 53.6% (532.2
) of the study area be high suitable for Tea
plantation,30.4% (301.9 km2
Thisstudyhasidentified that 53.6% (532.2 km2
) of
the study area are highly potential site for tea plantation
and 30.4% (301.9 km2
)is moderately potential for
teaplantation. As the results shows, the comparing of
thesimulated potential
landuseclassestotheexistinglandusepattern the most part
of potential and moderate lands were covered by
Nyungwe Park which is protected area and taken as the
tourist attraction.
Keywords : Land Use And Land Cover, Landsat, Slop