Authors : Emy Anggraini; Siti Maghfirotun Amin; Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP738
This study aims to improve students'
conceptual understanding and problem solving through
the application of problem posing learning based on the
hot potatoes application based on the problems of the
fifth semester students of SDK Maria Fatima
Bangkalan. This study uses a quantitative approach.
Quantitative research is carried out by describing the
data in the form of numbers, namely to determine
whether there are any consequences of problem posing
learning based on the hot potatoes application on
concept understanding and problem solving. The
subjects of this study were fifth grade students of Maria
Fatima Catholic Elementary School, Bangkalan,
Academic Year 2019 - 2020 with flat-building material.
The results showed: (1) The effect of problem posing
learning based on the hot potatoes application on
students' understanding of mathematical concepts was
higher with an average value of 85.83 than the control
class. (2) The effect of problem posing learning based on
hot potatoes application on problem solving has a
higher average value than the control class, namely
88.68. (3) The effect of problem posing learning based
on hot potatoes application can improve concept
understanding and problem solving. Based on the
results of data analysis, it can be concluded that
problem posing learning based on hot potatoes
application can improve the conceptual understanding
and problem solving of elementary school students, but
still requires adjustment to the situation and conditions
at school
Keywords : Problem Posing Learning, Hot Potatoes Application, Concept Understanding, Problem Solving