Learning Tool Oriented Development of Cooperative Learning Model Type Think Pair Share (TPS) Ability to Improve the Problem Solving of Student Primary

Authors : Najwa Syarofa, Rusijono, Raden Roro Nanik Setyowati

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2MU2nUw

This study aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning process through the application of cooperative learning models oriented models learning Think Pair Share (TPS) type of problem solving skills in PPKn subject’s social diversity and cultural diversity in class V SDN Belitung Selatan 5 Banjarmasin. The research design uses three stages of the 4-D model, namely the stages of defining, designing, and developing, tested on fifth grade students of SDN Belitung Selatan 5 Banjarmasin in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year. The research variables measured were validity, practicality and effectiveness of the use of learning tools. The research data were obtained through the method of validation, observation, and tests with a posttest-only control group design, in which the control group and the experimental group were randomly selected. The results showed that the Mann-Whitney test results as a comparison of the posttest scores between the control group and the number of 22 students had an average value of 11.50 while in the experimental group with a total of 22 students had an average value of 33.50. Asymp count results. Sig. (2-tailed), that is 0,000. The results of calculations are known that the value of Sig. <0.05 which is 0,000 then Ha is accepted, meaning that there are differences in students' problem solving abilities in learning PPKn. Thus it can be concluded that the learning tools that have been developed are valid, and there are differences in students' problem solving abilities between the control group and the experimental group, so that the learning tools oriented towards cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share (TPS) to improve problem solving abilities can be used.

Keywords : Think Pair Share (TPS), the Ability to Solve Problems.


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