Life-Birth Rate after Classical Treatment of Sever OligoteratoasthenozoospermiaAn Open Clinical Study

Authors : Belqees A. Alaw; Ahmed Kaid Allow; Bracamonte Maryam; Saeed M. Saeed

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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:- Severe oligoasthenoteratozoosperiam (OATS) is a kind of male factor that can cause male infertility where the sperm count, motility and normality should be very low.Traditional (non-assisted reproductive techniques or non-ART) treatment of OATS is still a matter of difficulties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of non-ART therapy for couples with severe OATS. One hundred twelve infertile men were diagnosed as OATS and all of them were included in this study. Their wives were reproductively fertile. Husband’s FSH, LH, Testosterone were normal and prolactin level was mild elevated. Seminal fluid infection was noted in all cases. Couples were treated for 2 months (Doxycycline® 100mg tablet, Vita Zinc® Capsules, Speman®, Dostinex® (Cabergoline) 0.5 tablet, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin® 5000 IU / vial, Postmenopausal Gonadotropin injection®, Vials 150 IU/vial ). During the course-treatment, 79/112 got a spontaneous pregnancy. A spontaneous pregnancy was confirmed by transabdominal pelvic ultrasonography where the gestational sac with viable fetus with a gestational age of4-7 weeks was documented. The livebirth rate was succeeded in 42/79. In conclusion, male factor infertility due to sever OATS can get babiesbefore we recommend them start the ARTs therapy.

Keywords : Oligoasthenoteratozoosperiam, Male Infertility, Spontaneous Pregnancy, Life-Birth Rate


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