Mangrove leaf litter (Excoecaria agallacha)
fall and decomposition was estimated using litter bags
throughout the year at four sites of Nayachar Island.
Excoecaria agallacha is the most common species in
Nayachar Island (Latitude 21o
58’ 50’’ N and Longitude
04’ 60’’ E). This species tends to occupy the inner
parts of the Island. This study presents the
decomposition rate for Excoecaria agallacha leaf litter
throughout the year (Premonsoon, monsoon and post
monsoon). It also quantifies physico-chemical factors
along with the microarthropods population abundance
throughout the decomposition process. The result
showed that breakdown of leaf litter was season and
microarthropods population (Acarina, Collembola,
Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Isopoda etc.) dependent.A
significant (P<0.05) higher amount of mass loss, rate of
decomposition, decay constant and amount of nutrient
return from leaf litter(Excoecaria agallacha) were
observed during the post monsoon period.
Keywords : Decomposition, Mangrove, Soil arthropods, Nayachar Island