Local Government Administration and Grassroots Development in Some Selected Councils in Fako Division, Cameroon


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3D0LkHZ

This paper examines Local Government Administration in Fako Division, with a discourse on grassroots development. Specifically, it reported on how effective and efficient local government administration led to grassroots development whereas the contrary leads to community stagnation. Local Government Administration in Fako Division is currently highly ineffective and inefficient due to concentration of power at the center, mismanagement of funds and limited resources. This study provides information on Local Government Administration in Cameroon in general and Fako Division in particular. The Integrated Political Economy Framework developed by Denis A. Rondinelli, James, S. McCullough and Ronald in 1989 was adopted to support this work. The framework uses the Public choice theory in conjunction with the Public Policy Approach. The researcher adopted the mixed method of data collection using the case study design. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources included; questionnaires, interview guide, and observation, while the secondary sources included journals, articles, books, magazines and internet sources. Findings revealed that, most communities who are the main beneficiaries of grassroots developments provided by councils do not benefit from the decentralization process. This is because of concentration of power at the center, corruption, and lack of autonomy and resources. Based on the findings, it was recommended that, the 2004 and 2019 law/code on the orientation of decentralization in Cameroon be reviewed to give councils more autonomy. The study provides data that can be used by the citizens to judge the performance of their councils. The study will equally enable the citizens understand the major challenges that their municipalities encounter in the provision of essential services regarding development

Keywords : Local Government, Administration, Grassroots, Development, Grassroots Development, Local Government Administration, Council


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31 - October - 2021

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