This research will focus on aspects of tourism
development in improving the quality of products or
services both by the government, private sector, and the
public, especially in understanding the concept of tourism
products such as: the attractions of a tourist destination,
available facilities and accessibility to and from tourist
destinations. Therefore, educational support for
sustainable tourism development can be seen from the
strengthening of natural pariwista management skills
managed directly by the community. For now, tourism
education for local managers such as botutonuo has not
been done optimally by him in this research will explore
the potentials in terms of weaknesses in aspects of
education and management skills so that tourism focuses
more on efforts to prepare dance attractions for local and
foreign tourists and is completely safe from Covid19 for
visitors. So that object tourism really has a big impact on
the economic improvement of local communities as well as
the improvement of pad area of Bone Bolango Regency.
Realized or not, tourism education in Gorontalo is
entirely participation-based, so the contribution to the
management of knowledge about tourism is still very low.
Keywords : Education, Tourism and Economic Improvement of The Community