The Bajo people who live in the coastal areas of Gorontalo Province are in the villages of Bajo Tilamuta, Boalemo Regency and Bajo Torosiaje Village, Pohuwato Regency. Most of the Bajo people depend on the sea for their lives. This research was conducted in June 2017, in the village of Torosiaje, Pohuwato Regency. The purpose of this study was to find out the local wisdom of the Bajo tribal people in Torosiaje village, Pohuwato regency. The research method is by direct observation and in-depth interviews with structured questions. The technique of collecting data is an interview guide or schedule questionnaire, and is described qualitatively descriptively. People who inhabit the coastal area of Bajo village have beliefs or customs in utilizing coastal resources. The Bajo people have local wisdom such as tradition, rules, taboos, culture, which are still valid for generations. As in the case of determining residential areas both in the waters (stilt houses) and those around the coast where the percentage of people who still maintain these customs and traditions is 83%, while Bajo tribal wisdom in maintaining wealth marine and the sustainability of marine ecosystems are 95%, for the tradition of prohibition or abstinence in the sea which still retains the culture is 83%.
Keywords : Local wisdom, Coastal communities, Bajo tribe, Torosiaje.