Low Cost Agribot for Precision Farming: Focused Spraying on Agri-land


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3vh8lC6

This is the age of technology and in the 211stcentury; modern farming techniques will be used for healthy farming and plantation. Till now traditional farmers have used handmade techniques and tools to spread pesticides on their crops to kill the pests infecting the agriculture land. Now a day some farmers have started using new technologies like drones, small planes and tractors to spray pesticides on their crops, but in this procedure they waste more than required pesticides on their crops, because machine like drone, plan and tractors cover a wide area instead of focused spraying, resulting in purchased of more pesticides by the farmers, which result in financial loss for them. With the proposed Agribot we are trying to achieve focusing pesticides spraying, which will be more cost efficient than the existing methods and it will also be integrated with machine learning for decision making purpose and solar panels as a perpetual power source.

Keywords : Precision Farming, Machine Learning, Pesticides Spraying, Solar Panel, Digital Image Processing


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