Underwater acoustic communication module
based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) uses rate ½ convolutional encoders and Turbo
decoders for error control coding. Turbo decoders are
designed with two Viterbi decoders that operate in
sequence to improve Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR). The
computation complexity of Viterbi decoders limits their
use for high speed decoding as the decoders are iterative.
In this paper, adaptive Viterbi decoder is designed that
is based on novel message decoding logic, branch metric
unit and survivor path metric unit. The computation
complexity is reduced by replacing the arithmetic and
logic unit with Look Up Table (LUT) thus increasing the
access time. The adaptive decoder architecture
eliminates the iteration process by predicting the state as
well as the data and hence is faster in decoding
Keywords : Underwater communication, Turbo Codes, OFDM, Viterbi Decoder, FPGA, High Speed