Maintenance Prevention on Coal Fired Power Plant Boiler

Authors : Guntur Pratama Putra, Miswanti, Erry Rimawan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 8 - August

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Today the need for electrical energy is inseparable from human life, almost all human life needs to use electricity. Starting from household needs, workplace needs, almost entirely using electricity because electricity is energy that is easily transformed into other energy. Electricity can be used for applications that require small to large energy. Therefore, the reliability and availability of electricity will be maintained to ensure that no activity is constrained due to the absence of electricity. With maintenance prevention, we can minimalize breakdown time, keep the machine efficiency, machine availability, and machine reliability with implementing maintenance prevention the breakdown of the machine can anticipate and we can plan to doing maintenance.

Keywords : PowerPlant, Boiler, Thermal Power, Maintenance Prevention.


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