The project is based on the development of
state-of-the-art large vocabulary continuous speech
recognition (LVCSR) system for the Malayalam
language. Problems of existing speech recognition are
lack of accuracy and misinterpretation, time cost and
productivity, accents and speech recognition,
background noise interference. The simulation of human
intelligence in computers refers to artificial intelligence
(AI) which includes Machine Learning, Natural
Language Processing, Computer Vision and Robotics. In
audio files or video files that are large and have minutes
in length, many files have a variety of audio and audio
files. In this project, transfer flow technique is used.So
the aim of the proposed system of speech recognition is
to collect thousands of datasets of each category
irrespective of their gender and also they can be of any
age group and train them according to their native
sequence so as to increase the accuracy level.
Keywords : Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition; Support Vector Machine, Tensor Flow