Purpose This case series demonstrates three different treatment modalities for excision of Irritational Fibroma.
Case Presentation Irritational fibromas are benign reactive or neoplastic lesions of oral cavity. They arise as a result of irritation due to plaque micro organisms and other local irritants. Treatment include both Non-Surgical (SRP) and Surgical therapy (excision using scalpel, electro cautery or laser.) The final diagnosis was confirmed after Histopathological examination.
Three cases are presented here with gingival overgrowth on various region of gingiva. Excisional biopsy was planned. The fibromas were excised using scalpel, laser and electrocautery. All the cases were evaluated for bleeding, pain and healing of surgical site post operatively. The blood loss and post operative pain for electro cautery and laser was very less as compared with scalpel surgery. After 6 months, all three cases presented uneventful healing.
Conclusion This article addresses the various treatment aspects for management of an irritational fibroma.
Keywords : Fibroma, Scalpel, Electrocautery, Diode Laser, Excision.