Managerial and Economical Aspects of Harmful Invaders: The Case of TutaAbsoluta in North Cyprus

Authors : Hasret Balcioglu

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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Global economy introduces different challenges to production and environmental systemsin the world. Invasive alien species (IAS) are species spread by human actions which present a threat to biological diversity and have a negative impact on the goodsand services provided by ecosystems. IAS usually result in production and non-production costs. IAS can additionallyput control costs either on a specific sector or the society depending on the type of species and the chosen policy.In North Cyprus, the producers face the damage of the tomato by TutaAbsoluta and it is important for them to face the cost incurred and to choose the right policy for the management. Management of IAS is not easy and thought to be a public interest. IAS management can be done by preemptive and reactive control. Pre-emptive control decreases the probability of entry and establishment of IAS. It is possible for IAS to invade the region with reactive control. After the invasion, reactive control measures reduce the magnitude and the extent of damages in the action of an invasion. The strategically applied measures lead the people to make the necessary policy, cost reduction and management.

Keywords : Invasive Alien Species; Management; North Cyprus; TutaAbsoluta.


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