Air is one of the important elements of life because it is needed by every living creature. Air pollution is a reliable thing for human life given the important needs for every living thing. One sector of dissemination is the transportation sector. The research location taken was Sidoarjo Regency. The purpose of this study is mapping spatial distribution of street level of service – co emission correlation. The research method in this study was carried out in three stages: firts stage is characterizing CO pollution using CO Probe equipment spatially by using eulerian grid with an area of 500 x 500 m2 which was then adjusted according to the CO pollution threshold value. The second stage of this study is measurement of CO levels in the air use a measuring instrument CO probe. The last stage of this study is mapping using raster interpolation analysis using the IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) model. Based on the results of CO level tests, there is one observation point that has a value exceeding the threshold located at point 2 during the day (12:00 – 14:00) in Surabaya direction at 35,500 μg / Nm3.
Keywords : Mapping-Distribution-Carbonmonoxide, Eulerian-Grid, Air-pollution, Threshold, Pollution, CO-Probe.