Marital Conflict and Customary Resolution Mechanisms among Kaffecho

Authors : Eleni G/Senbet

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the potential causes of marital conflicts and to describe the available customary marital conflict resolution mechanisms which are used in the study area. The research was conducted in Bonga and Gimbo community, which are located in the Southern Nations Nationalities Peoples’ Regional State, particularly in Kafa Zone. Qualitative research approach was employed in this study for its appropriateness to meet the stated objectives. The informants were selected purposively and data was collected through the use of in depth interview, FGD, case study, personal observation as well as informal interview. In terms of sample size, a total number of 24 informants were participated. In depth-interviews with 6 (six) key informants; Six (6) cases; 2 FGD (each group consisted six members); observations during the conflict resolution proceedings takes place as well as informal interviews were used as a data collection tool in order to collect primary data. The secondary data were obtained from; books, journals, magazines, published and unpublished research materials. To interpret the data which was gathered through primary and secondary sources, thematic analysis method were used. The finding of the study shows that, among Kaffecho, the dominant ways of marriage formation were appeared to be arranged marriage, free choice marriage with parental acceptance and free choice marriage without parental acceptance. Establishment of marriage was much related with the causes of marital conflict as well as resolution mechanisms. In the study area, the major causes of marital conflict were happened to be, establishing marriage without parental acceptance, adultery, interferences of children, fail to fulfill the expected role as a husband or wife. The most widely practiced marital conflict resolution mechanisms in the study area were done through, in-law relations (nacho), best-man relation (Miyaatoo), religious leaders as well as community elders (Sheewe Genoo), volunteer associations (Idirro) and traditional belief leaders (Alamos). The finding also revealed that the customary marital conflict resolution mechanism is commonly used in resolving marital conflicts in the study area. Generally, for the region like Kaffa, where there are very few accesses of getting marriage counseling and family therapy services, it would be very wise decision to appreciate as well as preserve the traditional mechanisms of marital conflict resolution which are available in my study area.


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