Authors : Yaba A; Ngwe TMJ; Assumani YN; Tamubango KH; Kalenga MKP; Mutombo MA; Ngulu Nsasi; Wembonyama OS; Luboya NO
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
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Hypotrophic newborns sometimes develop iron
deficiency and neurological deficit. The objectives of the
present study are : to describe the socio-demographic
characteristics of mothers who have given birth to
hypotrophs and to determine their erythrocyte profile as
well as that of their newborns, to identify the maternal
factors associated with neonatal hypoferrinemia.
U do cross-sectional descriptive study with an analytical
component, lasting 12 months was conducted in 10
health facilities in Lubumbashi in the DRC. Mothers
who gave birth at term with hypotrophs without a
history of hemorrhage or acute inflammatory disease
during a single-fetal pregnancy were included in the
study. The determination of maternal and fetal
biochemical parameters were performed according to
the methods recommended by the International
Federation Clinic Chemical (IFCC) and by the
International Council of Standardization in
Heamotology (ICSH) using the Automat AU480
Beckman for ferritin and CRP and using the SYSMEX
KX21N automatic device for the determination of
erythrocyte parameters. The data were analyzed using
SPSS.23 software.
The majority of mothers are 18 35 (54.4%) ; multiparous
(42.5%), of low socio-economic level (62.7%), having
had malaria (66.7%), consuming Kaolin (71.6%) without
taking dewormer (76%) nor iron supplementation
(61.9%). They had anemia in 76.9% of cases
(Hb˂11gr%) with low ferritinemia (˂20μg / l) in 52% of
cases. Newborn small for gestational age had a normal
hemoglobin (Hb≥13, 5 gr%) in 73.9% of cases and a low
férritnémie (˂60μg / L) in 32.8% of cases. The maternal
determinants of neonatal hypoferrtinemia are maternal
malaria (OR .113.43 [9.42-1364.53]), the birth interval
less than 12 months (OR48.18 [6.37-364.57] ), not taking
dewormers (OR : 16.26 [2.04-129.50]) or iron
supplementation during pregnancy (OR7.03 [1.55-
The present study shows that hypotrophic newborns do
not always have iron deficiency anemia. Iron
supplementation should not be systematic in these
newborns at birth but it will require an iron assessment
(hemoglobin and serum ferritin) beforehand
Keywords : Low Birth Weight, Maternal Determinants, Neonatal Hypoferritinemia, Lubumbashi, DRC