Mass Communication in the Modern World: It’s Impact and Spirituality

Authors : A. Jasmine.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 12 - December

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We live in the modern world with all its forces and splendors, achievements and success, developments and growth. Today, the human beings can do anything with the possibilities of their own inventions. Technologically, scientifically and materially speaking, humanity has reached the peak of glory as never before. All of creation is potentially a mediator of divine disclosure, but the Church stands out as the community which possesses the greatest potential for communication about God. This paper clears the clouded doubts about communication and its spirituality, in order to defend faith and help the faithful to grow and learn about communication and its methods. Each member of the Catholic Church, hold the prime duty to reveal God’s Love to everyone who are ignorant of his Love and His good news. Today’s world is a big challenge to all those who are involved in spreading God’s Love, by means of new technology in the advent of communication. It’s a right time to take courage and to be firm to voice forth for God. Our efforts in communicating God and His rightful place in our daily lives, should lead us to become a critical voice against everything that is oppressive, everything that enslaves people. At times it may be like a voice in the wilderness, a voice that has been lost amidst the din of many other voices. Nevertheless, it must be a voice that will stir and inspire others to grow in their faith.

Keywords : Communication, Spirituality, Mass Media, Modern World.


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