Vocabulary understanding is vital to
comprehend in many facets and this includes
Mathematics. Employing and learning the dialect of
Mathematics is critical for the development of
Mathematics ability. Mathematics vocabulary have an
important part on students’ Mathematical
comprehension and ability. These could serve as
foundation for the teachers to design and model
pedagogies in teaching Mathematics. This surveycorrelational type of research aimed to determine the
Mathematical Ability in relation to the Mathematics
Vocabulary of Grade 7 students of Dulangan National
High School for the school year 2019 – 2020. Data were
gathered using researcher-made Mathematics
Vocabulary and Mathematical Ability Tests. The
independent variable of the study was Mathematics
Vocabulary and the dependent variable was
Mathematical Ability. The findings revealed that the
level of Mathematics Vocabulary and Mathematical
Ability of Grade 7 students was “average”. There was
no significant difference in the mathematical ability of
students when grouped in terms of the level of their
Mathematics Vocabulary. There was no significant
relationship between the Mathematics Vocabulary and
Mathematical ability of the students.
Keywords : Mathematics Vocabulary, Mathematical Ability.