Authors : SOLOFO Andrianjakaniaina Basilide; RABE Tsirobaka; ANDRIANANTENAINA Max Richard; RAZAFINJAKA Nirinarison Jean
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July
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In this article, we study a conversion system of
wind power to horizontal axis of small size into isolated
site. The MPPT control by the knowledge a curve of
airofoil will be developed. Les résultats des différentes
simulations de toute la chaîne de conversion, réalisées
sous environnement MATLAB/Simulink, ont permis
d’évaluer les performances du système proposé. The
results of simulations with all the chain conversion,
realized under MATLAB/Simulink environment, make it
possible to evaluate the performances of the system
Keywords : Wind Power, Maximization, Control Speed, Asynchronous Generator, Power Coefficient