Maximizing the Usage of Renewable Energy Resources using Adaptive Power Flow Control Strategy

Authors : Rekha S., Dr. Sundar G.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 11 - November

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The increase in electricity demand has made us to use the renewable energy sources which are naturally available. The migration touse the renewable energy sources reduces the high peak load demand and the most commonly used sources are solar and wind energy. This paper presents a control of the grid tied system using DSTATCOM along with the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique and an adaptive power flow control strategy (APFC). The DSTATCOM technique is used to improve the power quality by selecting the power source with high efficiency and to provide a multi directional power flow ie. From source to grid and load or from source to load. The adaptive power flow control is used to manage the loads at the distribution side and a battery storage system to reduce the peak energy demand and energy imbalance between the load and the supply and also to increase the self consumption of renewable energy storage. The simulation model has been developed using Proteus software and the results are provided.

Keywords : DSTATCOM, demand side management, energy storage systems, peak power demand, adaptive power flow control method.


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