Media Learning North Sumatra Malay Literature Based on Digital in Pandemic Era

Authors : M. Surip; EllyPrihasti; Muharrina Harahap; Sumarsono

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

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The purpose of this paper is to reveal the results of research on the analysis of the use of digitalbased North Sumatra Malay literary learning media used by lecturers in the pandemic era. This literary learning media can be used as an alternative to literary learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sastra Melayu is one of the ethnicities used as teaching materials in schools and universities in North Sumatra. The problem studied is how the packaging and utilization of Malay Literature in North Sumatra as a digital-based teaching resource literacy. The theory used to analyze is the development of teaching materials and analysis of texts or value structures of literary works. The descriptive quantitative method is used to calculate the feasibility of teaching materials and to describe values in relevant literature in Malay literature. The results obtained are digital-based North Sumatra Malay literature learning media arranged based on the stages of needs analysis, document preparation, translation, and development of digital applications, transcytosis, preparation of digital applications, and due diligence. Based on the analysis of the values contained in Malay ethnic literature, obtained religious values, defense, honesty, cooperation, and harmony between human funds lam. The values contained in the 10 relevant Malay ethnic oral literature will be the teaching material of local content during the pandemic.

Keywords : Learning Media, Digitization, Malay literature.


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