Mediation Effect of Customer Satisfaction from the Relationship between System Quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality towards Interests of Tourist Visiting in East Java Park 3

Authors : Bestio Putra Pratama; Syarif Hidayatullah; Stella Alvianna; Widji Astuti; Rulli Krisnanda

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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Over time, many new destinations have also emerged, causing competition between destination owners. This study aims to determine the effect of system quality, and information quality and service quality on tourist satisfaction through user satisfaction as a moderating variable. This type of research is an explanatory research, located in the tourist destination of Jawa Timur Park 3. The population of this research is all people who have or have never visited, while the number of samples used is 95 respondents. To analyze the data used descriptive analysis, path test, and hypothesis testing. From the results of the existing path analysis, it can be seen that the Information Quality variable and the Service Quality variable have a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction who visits Jatim Park 3. From the analysis, it is also known that the System Quality variable does not have a significant effect on the Customer Satisfaction variable. Information Quality variables, Service Quality variables and Customer Satisfaction variables have a significant effect on Return Interest, but the System Quality variable has no effect on Return Interest. Information Quality and Service Quality have a significant effect on Return Interest through visiting Customer Satisfaction, while the System Quality variable also has no significant effect on Return Interest through Customer Satisfaction as a mediator variable.

Keywords : System, Information, Service Quality, User Return Interest and Satisfaction


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