Medical Blister Recycling Machine

Authors : Sijo MS, Aravind Pv, Mohammed Asif KC, Mohammed Shabeer KP, Shaid Mohamed, Vishnujith MK.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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This paper titled “Medical blister recycling machine” focused on the recycling of aluminium waste like medical blisters, aluminium foils etc and reusing this aluminium as a useful product. Our survey in the regard in the society, revealed the fact that most of the peoples are throwing away the product like medical blisters, aluminium foil etc to the surrounding as waste after the use, which may result in the increase of aluminium concentration in soil and water bodies. So, large parts of both the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are affected. There is significant cost reduction in the recycling of aluminium when comparing with the production of new aluminium. Even when the cost like cost of collection, cost of separation and cost of recycling are taken into account over the long term. Also larger national savings are made which reduces the capital cost that is associated with the mines, landfills, international shipping of aluminium etc.

Keywords : Medical blister, Recycling, Aluminium, Crusher, eddy current separator, electric furnace.


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