Menstrual Health in Peril due to Taboos and Stigmas about Menstruation: A Comparative Study in this Context between Two Indian Villages

Authors : Stuti Chakraborty.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Menstrual taboos are widespread and universal. Survey of literatures related to the origin and basis of the menstrual taboo reveals that in most cases the reason behind this is patriarchy. The stigmas about menstruation have more serious effects than just squirming at the mention of menstruation or light embarrassment at the drug center. The girls who start their period in the rural areas often have to give up going to school and are forced out of religious services, social interactions, prohibited to touch utensils, water, fruits, pickles. Using sanitary napkins are also difficult for women in rural areas because of the stigmas regarding buying pads from the shop and the disposal of them. The researchers find it important to work on because of the negligence about the matter. This paper attempts to make a modest study on the effect on the adolescent health due to the menstrual taboos and a comparison between the present scenario of the two villages in West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh.


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