Meta-Analysis of the Implementation of E-Modules and the Effectiveness of Using Chemical Bonding E-Modules Based on Scientific Approaches Against Student X Learning Outcomes in Pariaman City

Authors : Gia Aprina Putri; Indang Dewata; Budhi Oktavia; Desy Kurniawati

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL797

This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of chemical bond e-modules on the learning outcomes of class X high school students in Pariaman City. This type of research used is quasi-experimental research with a non-equivalent control group design. The population in this study was taken from three levels of UN scores (high, medium, and low) taken from the West Sumatra Province Education Office data, the population of which is grade X MIPA SMAN 1 Pariaman, X MIPA SMAN 4 Pariaman, and X MIPA SMAN 6 Pariaman . The research sample was taken using purposive sampling technique. The sample for SMAN 1 Pariaman as an experimental class is class X MIPA 7 and X MIPA 6 as a control class. The sample for SMAN 4 Pariaman as an experimental class is X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 2 as a control class. The sample for SMAN 6 Pariaman as the experimental class is X MIPA 2 and X MIPA 1 as the control class. The research instrument used was a student learning achievement test consisting of an initial test (pretest) and final test (posttest) and in the form of 20 objective questions. The results showed that there were differences in learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class. This is evidenced by the average posttest score of the experimental class in each school is 87.65 for SMAN 1 Pariaman, 85.38 for SMAN 4 Pariaman, and 86.75 for SMAN 6 Pariaman while the control class is 77.76 for SMAN 1 Pariaman, 77.12 for SMAN 4 Pariaman, and and 76.04 for 6 Pariaman High School. Based on data analysis, it shows that the sample is normally distributed and homogeneous so that t-test can be performed and the value of t ≥ t1-α is obtained for SMAN 1 Pariaman titung (4. 739)> t table (1.67022), SMAN 4 Pariaman titung (3.494)> ttabel (1.67203), and SMAN 6 Pariaman titung (4.129)> ttable (1.68195), then H0 is rejected. These data prove that the experimental class learning outcomes are higher than the control class learning outcomes. This is also supported by the N-Gain value obtained in the experimental class with NGain value of 0.83 for SMAN 1 Pariaman, 0.81 for SMAN 4 Pariaman, and 0.83 for SMAN 6 Pariaman and the control class is 0.72 for SMAN 1 Pariaman, 0.72 for SMAN 1 4 Pariaman, and 0.71 for SMAN 6 Pariaman in the high category. This study also proves that the ranking of national examinations at state high schools in Pariaman City has no effect on student learning outcomes. This is based on the acquisition of student learning outcomes in Pariaman 6 Public High Schools which are in the low level national rank ranking school category which has a higher value than the student learning outcomes in Pariaman 4 Public High School which are in the medium level national exam ranking school category. The results of this study are also supported by the results of a meta-analysis which states that the application of e-modules can increase effectiveness and have a positive impact on student interests and learning outcomes so that it supports students to learn independently.

Keywords : Effectiveness, E-modules, Chemical Bonding, Learning Outcomes, Meta-Analysis.


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