Micro Finance and Poverty Reduction of Selected Households in Kawempe Division, Kampala-Uganda

Authors : Julius Twinamasiko; Steven Ainebyona; Abas Rutaro

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/375HyQp

The study was aimed at assessing the contribution of micro finance towards poverty reduction among households in Kawempe Division. And this was assessed in terms of contribution of microfinance towards access to basic needs, increased saving and incomes and wealth creation among households in Kawempe division. The researcher employed a descriptive, correlation, cross-sectional and survey design in which he used a self-administered questionnaire to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The researcher targeted a selected population of 110 households in Kawempe division from where a sample of 86 respondents was selected using both purposive sampling and simple random sampling as based on Krejcie& Morgan (1970) tables. Study findings revealed a slight correlation of R= 0.349a between the observed and predicted poverty reduction outcomes. And that a small coefficient of determination of 24.2% (R-square 0.242) in the poverty reduction could be explained by the microfinance elements considered in this study. In view of the above the study recommended that microfinance institutions should consider increasing the period of first repayments in order to allow for the households to command adequate cash flows that can allow for acquisition of assets and or take on opportunities for expansion, there is need for special microfinance, grant and training programs that target the youth for entrepreneurial development and that Government having though embarked on the youth programme, need to put stringent measures to curb vices like corruption that has infiltrated the programme. And also the researcher recommends that in order to build on gains achieved in the microfinance sector, Government increasingly needs to harness the poverty- reducing potential of shifts in the household sectorial share of employment in favor of more productive and dynamic activities.


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