Lipsticks are cosmetics for the lips. Some
lipsticks, when applied on the lips cause skin reaction
like peeling of lips and few black spots discolorations.
These indicate that such lipsticks could be contaminated
by some organisms which could be pathogenic. Used
lipsticks samples were collected from students in Stella
Okolie Female Hostel, Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
Awka, Nigeria and microbiological analysis conducted
on them. . The samples were dissolved with Tween 20
and diluted using Nutrient broth. Appropriate dilutions
were plated on appropriate growth media. The bacterial
isolates obtained include Klebsiella sp, Staphylococcus
aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Morganella sp and
Bacillus sp. As these organisms are of public health
concern, there is need for creating awareness and
educating the populace on the dangers inherent in
sharing lipsticks.
Keywords : Cosmetic, Contamination, Tween 20.