Mobile Banking as a Business Strategy: Customer Lifestyle Segmentation and Factors Affecting User Loyalty (Case Study at Bank Mandiri, Indonesia)

Authors : Gilang Lorosae; Mochamad Habibie

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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The purpose of this research is to study the mobile banking strategy used by Bank Mandiri financial institutions. Since several years ago, financial institutions have adopted mobile banking technology as a service to their customers. This study analyzes how the segmentation of Bank Mandiri mobile banking users is based on lifestyle and analyzes the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This study analyzes how the segmentation of Bank Mandiri mobile banking users is based on lifestyle and analyzes the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The population in this study are Bank Mandiri customers who use mobile banking services. Sampling using simple random sampling with a sample size of 270 respondents. The analysis technique used in this research is SPSS for descriptive testing and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for hypothesis testing. The results of the descriptive test in this study indicate that an indulgence lifestyle is the most important thing for customers in creating loyalty to Bank Mandiri mobile banking. The results of hypothesis testing in this study indicate that: (1) Service quality affects customer satisfaction, (2) customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty, (3) service quality affects customer loyalty, (4) service quality and customer satisfaction simultaneously affect customer loyalty, (5) customer satisfaction cannot be a mediating variable, where service quality is proven to have a direct effect on customer loyalty without going through customer satisfaction as a mediating variable.

Keywords : Mobile Banking Strategy, Lifestyle, Segmentation, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.


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