Model Performance Improvement of Human Resources Through Knowledge Sharing

Authors : Nur Iman, Ervina.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 8 - August

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This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of communication on knowledge sharing, testing and analyzing the influence of communication on the performance of human resources, testing and analyzing the effect of trust on knowledge sharing, testing and analyzing the effect of confidence in the performance of human resources, testing and analyzing the influence of organizational culture on knowledge sharing, testing and analyzing the influence of organizational culture on human resource performance, testing and analyzing the effect of Knowledge Sharing performance against human resources. Respondents in the investigators are employees of BPS Southeast Sulawesi province with a sample of 84 electoral census sampling using the technique. The results showed: communication significant positive effect on knowledge sharing, communication significant positive effect on the performance of human resources, Confidence significant positive effect on knowledge sharing, trust significant positive effect on the performance of human resources, organizational culture significant positive effect on knowledge sharing, cultural organizations significant positive effect on the performance of human resources, and knowledge sharing significant positive effect on the performance of human resources or organizational performance.

Keywords : Communication, Trust, Organizational Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Human Resources Performance.


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