Thermo photovoltaic (TPV) system
technology is based on the phenomenon of direct
conversion of radiation coming from a heat source into
electrical energy by means of photovoltaic cells. One of
the heat source means is radiative heat transfer from
combustion. In this work, we proposed a model for the
calculation of thermal fluxes on the surface of TPV
absorber coming from the combustion of palm nut shells.
For this, we modeled the combustion flame by a
cylindrical approach. A radiative model for calculating
the incident and net fluxes is presented and, from the
first thermodynamics principle, a temperature model for
the TPV absorber surface is derived. The obtained
models are discretized and solve simultaneously using
iterative scheme in MATLAB. From the simulations
runs, results of the incident and net fluxes at the surface
of the TPV absorber are represented and analysed. The
effect of thermal convection on the fluxes is carried out.
Further, sensitivity are performed for different TPV heat
sink - absorber distances. The model proposed here is
suitable for any incident and net fluxes investigation at
the surface of the TPV absorber, necessary for any TPV
system design.
Keywords : Thermo photovoltaic, combustion, heat transfer, biomass, numerical simulation.