The Web consists of lots of Webpages or
documents that have been published. As the internet is
growing more and more day by day, it is becoming
necessary to organize all the web pages in a systematic
way so to make an ease for the searchers or users to get
the result as per their query. So, the need of page
ranking would be a great help in order to retrieve
authentic data from the web. Its major purpose is to
evaluate the essentiality of a web pages so, that web
pages can be kept according to their priority. The
proposed system is all about to remove the irrelevant
pages or reducing the rank of those pages which are
irrelevant so that those pages will comes at the last
when someone will typed query according to their need.
This proposed system is used to combine the other
existing algorithm so that it covers both the old and
newly introduced pages, and based on this the ranking
of the web pages has to be done.
Keywords : Page Rank, Damping Factor, Backlink.