Molecular Characterization of Aflatoxinogenic and Non-Aflatoxinogenic Aspergillus Flavus Group Isolates Collected from Soybean Seeds from El-Beheira Governorate

Authors : Sobhy A. Alghandour

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 6 - June

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A study to distinguish the seed-borne fungi of non-disinfected and disinfected soybean seeds was conducted in Etay El-Baroud Agricultural Research Station, El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt during 2017. A total of seven fungi namely; Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus (Aspergillus flavus group), A. niger, Rhizopus stolonifer, Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp. and Penicillium spp. were secluded which varied in there frequency. Also, qualitative levels of aflatoxin(s) produced by fifty isolates of A. flavus group from ten locations at El-Beheira Governorate were described by using fluorescence technique. Blue and green fluorescence surrounding the colonies of A. flavus group was observed in 32 out of the 50 isolates. Three isolates of A. flavus group; 1) highly producer, 2) moderately producer and 3) non producer as examples, were studied genetically using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based assess with versicolorin A dehydrogenase (ver-1), norsolorinic acid reductase (nor-1) sterigmatocystin O-methyltransferase (omt-A) and aflatoxin R (aflR) primers. Generally, for the tested isolates there is a complete form with four bands obtained in PCR. The occurrence of patterns in the non-aflatoxinogenic isolates shows that PCR is not a satisfactory marker for distinction between aflatoxinogenic and some non-aflatoxinogenic isolates, but PCR exhibited that it is speedy and sensitive technique for revealing fungi.

Keywords : Seed Borne Fungi, PCR, Aflatoxins, Aspergillus Flavus Group, Soybean.


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