Leadership theory has evolved from year to
year, but until now leadership theory has always been
based on western philosophy. Consequently, if applied in
non-western countries can reduce the effectiveness of the
organization due to the existence of striking cultural
differences. This research focuses on identifying the
extent to which mo'odelo values as local philosophies are
implemented in the leadership of village chiefs in the
Gorontalo government environment. The reason for
choosing the Village Chief as a respondent, because the
characteristics of mo'odelo values are very close to the
behavior of the Village Chief. The village, which is
synonymous with the thick territory of customs,
positions the Village Chief not only as an administrative
leader, but also as an intermediary when there is a social
crisis. Researchers describe the problem using
qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach.
The research data was analyzed using miles and
huberman's interactive model involving three
components, namely data reduction, data presentation
and verification/withdrawal of conclusions. The three
components in question take place continuously until
complete, so that the data is saturated. The results
showed that mo'odelo values were contained in the
leadership style of the village chief in Gorontalo. Thus, if
the transformation of the value of local wisdom mo'odelo
can be implemented properly, then the productivity of
the village can be improved. The increase in village
productivity has an impact on the realization of the
regional mission vision, especially in terms of realizing
sustainable national development goals.
Keywords : Moodelo Leadership; Traditional Leadership; Western-style Leadership Transformation.