Four commercial maize varieties from local
companies and one from Bangladesh Wheat and Maize
Research Institute, Gazipur were evaluated in AprilJune’2019 at Caritas Bangladesh beneficiary’s field
located Alikadam upazila of Bandarban district of
Bangladesh. This research aimed to identify the potential
maize varieties for corresponding in a Rice-WheatMaize cropping pattern ensuring better crop production
for food security. At Alikadam, among four commercial
varieties ACI - 2 observed as best considering good yield
despite its Insect susceptibility at seedling stage.
Different morpho-agronomic parameters of the
mentioned four maize varieties at Alikadam compared.
Significant difference not found among the varieties
when Days to silking and Plant aspect were considered.
However, significant differences were observed in three
parameters, Days to harvest, Days to anthesis and
Number of cobs. In Ear height, Jissan-555 stands with
highest performance and observed significant differences
among the other varieties.