The morphology of swimbladders from seven species of fishes Lepidocephalichthys guntca, Cirrhinus mgrigala, Labeo rohita, Channa punctatus, Anabas testudineus, Macrognathus zebrinus and Clarias batrachu were studied during July to September 2014. Fishes were purchased from some markets such as Nandawin, Sanpya and ten quarter markets situated in South Okkalapa Township.. Five individuals of each species were used. The general morphology of the swimbladders were recorded with figures and tabulated forms. Two types of swimbladder, physostomatous and physoclistous types were recorded. In order Cypriniformes, the swimbladders were two lobes with transparent walls. In order Perciformes, it is tubeshape, single chamber. In order Siluriformes, the swimbladder is heart-shaped and thick walled. In all studied fishes, the length of the swimbladder was strongly related to the standard length of the fish.
Keywords : Swimbladders, Physostomatous, Physoclistous.