Moving to a World of Entrepreneurial Success and Business Sustainability in the Competitive Environment

Authors : Mahesh Ramakrishna Pillai, Astha Bhandari.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 7 - July

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The acceptance of the small business enterprises across the globe is something which needs to be looked upon as small business over a period turns to be a big business enterprises or remain at the level it was established or even die down due to the competitive business environment. It has been looked upon that the existence rate of small business is very limited as well the percentage of industries survive to success and to long term sustainability is even much less. In this paper, it is tried to explain the role of entrepreneurial leadership qualities for the sustainability of entrepreneurial enterprises. Further the study explores further into the relevance of development of the appropriate skills for entrepreneurial success for business sustainability. The study explains that the research has much to say related to the values based on which entrepreneurs can establish an exceptional enterprise with a long-term sustainability. The studies in this area were exploring into the factors contributing to the sustainability of the business enterprise. The paper is trying to explain the success of certain firms through any positive or even adverse external factors. They were trying to identify what it was that enabled some companies to be continuously successful through negative and positive external conditions. The study finding have significant implications for the sustainability of entrepreneurial activity since they suggest much prolife, success centered business acumen be able to gather attention and resources. Further they can bring about meaningful change and development, even when the people concerned do not have the real attributes and values to be successful and sustainable entrepreneur. The factor for sustainability focusses is on success of the enterprise and not the entrepreneur. This is much evident, basically on longterm development and sustainability but never on the short terms rewards, much focused on values and standards of organization.

Keywords : Management Efficiency; Sustainable Growth; Entrepreneurs.


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