Poverty is one problem that often occurs in
countries in the world, especially in developing
countries. The calculation of poverty values has
changed or modified in accordance with the current
conditions. The condition of poverty is not only seen as a
person's limitations in terms of financial (income) but
several other dimensions. Poverty measurement using
the Multidimensional Poverty Index method is one
method of measuring poverty which pays attention to 3
(three) dimensions such as education, health and living
standards. This research is located in Kedungkandang
District. Kedungkandang sub-district is one of the
districts in Malang that has the highest number of poor
rice recipients, amounting to 5260 poor households.
Kedungkandang Subdistrict has a population of
1,888,175 people, divided into 12 villages. Poverty
measurement using the Multidimensional Poverty Index
in Kedungkandang District is divided into a very low
category. The villages that have the lowest MPI values
are Kotalama Village (0.01) and Sawojajar Village
(0.01) while the villages that have the highest MPI
values are Lesanpura Village (0.07) and Wonokoyo
Village (0.07). The higher MPI value indicates the
poorer thearea.
Keywords : Poverty, Multidimensional Poverty Index.