Protecting natural resources and environment is the basic requirement for a country like India. To address these two issues environmentally sustainable management programs are required. It is necessary to have a sustainable approach to waste management and to integrate strategies that will produce the best practicable option. This is a very challenging task since it involves taking into account economic, technical, regulatory and environmental issues. Rapid urbanisation, high density of population has becoming a challenging task to the municipalities to manage solid waste disposals. Tirupati has a population more than 3,50000 and receives more than 80,000 population per day. Rapid urbanisation is taking place at Tirupati. Our study focuses on the Municipal Solid Waste management of Tirupati town by estimating the per capita generation of solid waste at Tirupati and giving suggestions to convert solid waste in to energy.
Keywords : municipal-solid-waste-management-in-india-with-special-reference-to-tirupati-town-in-andhra-pradesh