Music Recommendation using Emotion Analysis

Authors : Anita Chaudhari; Anuj Patil; Mahesh Tiwari; Deepanshu Suthar

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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In this era of internet, all the music is now available on the commercial music services in abundance. The quantity of the available music pieces is in dozens of millions. This makes choosing an appropriate music piece out of this abundance of music is a time-consuming task. Whenever users want to listen to music of specific genre, a need to find a music piece similar to what user likes to hear arises. Hence it is very important to develop a system that can select music to a user based on certain criteria. This system is designed to recommend music to users according to their mood by recognizing their facial expressions using machine learning algorithm to decide a user’s emotional state.

Keywords : OpenCV, Facial Emotion Recognition, Haarcascade, Music Recommendation etc


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