Bone of Cakalang fish (Katsuwonus pelamis L) from the results of Cakalang fish preparation waste has the potential to be used as a nanocatalyst made from raw Cakalang fish bone meal. The purpose of this research is to make nanocalcium from Cakalang fish bone meal and characterize chemical, physical, size and morphology. Making nanocalcium Cakalang fish bone meal using precipitation method. Nanocalcium yield by immersion of Cakalang fish bone meal for 24 hours is 40%. The results of chemical analysis of nanocalcium water content were 3.99%, 85.72% ash content and pH value 8.34. The results of AAS nanocatalytic analysis of Cakalang fish bone meal contain mineral components namely calcium (Ca) 2,935%, iron (Fe) 0,016%, potassium (K) 0,002%, magnesium (Mg) 0,528%, manganese (Mn) 0,014%, zinc (Zn ) 0.0089%, phosphorus (P) 6.841%. Nanocalcium has a white degree of 76.36%. The size of the nanoparticles from the Cakalang fish bone meal ranged from 53.78 to 71.68 nm.
Keywords : Ilabulo Crackers, Skipjack Fish (Katsuwonus Pelamis L), Nanocalsium, Bone Meal, Characterization.